To keep the our communities safe, and encourage physical distancing policies and guidance, Sobczak Law partnered up with the Rebellion supporters group and put on a virtual tailgate for the last Saturday’s virtual FIFA-20 simulation game, when the New England Revolution was taking on FC Cincinnati, pledging to match and donate $10 per person.

When the virtual tailgate kicked off, the fundraiser campaign –to help those affected by Covid-19 – was already at $6,535.00, having surpassed the original $5K goal, thanks to many generous donations, including prior matching drives.
As Revs fans joined in, even the Revolution’s President – Brian Bilello – stopped by the “virtual” tailgate and shared a drink with the fans. Although Brian frequently engages with fans and stops by the tailgates before the games, in this virtual setup, we was able to share a drink with us, as everyone was safely within their homes.

As the pre-game tailgating continued, #NERevs fans popped in and out, and even some of our four legged family members made their appearance.

The next big surprise of the night was that the Rev’s repeat humanitarian of the year – number 11 – Kelyn Rowe popped in as well, and shared few drinks and stories. Few friends from the Brass Monkey also joined in.

As the simulation game began, Kelyn stayed in for a while, and provided very insightful commentary on the simulation game, but his absence on the virtual field gave birth to the #getrowevirtualminutes movement.

In the end, the Revs won 3-1, thanks to e-Buksa‘s brace, finishing of the virtual “home-stand” with all nine points.
Twenty-six Revs fans showed up at the virtual tailgate, stayed safe, had some fun, and turned into additional $260 donation for the #RebelsForACause drive.
The four furry friends that joined in, at a 50% donation, brought the drive up to $280.
Extra $50 as a thank you for having the @RevsPrez pop in, and an additional $100 as a thank you for @KRowe210 stopping by and chatting with the fans (and all he already does for #KelynsNEFUCrew) brought the total matching donations up to $430 for the night.
With the prior matching donations campaigns by Sobczak Law in round total now up to $790, the night ended in success bringing the total raised #RebelsForACause to $7,003.00 ending phase one.

And stay safe everyone. #AloneTogether #NETID